Our Programs


Foster Program

Providing a temporary home for dogs, cats, puppies or kittens is a critical role in saving the many animals that need our help. Puppies and kittens need tender loving care while growing and kept safe until they are ready to find a forever home.


Ongoing Need


Your Home


Wallflower Group

Shy dogs are often just a little insecure but the sweetest little things under all that fear. It’s a big scary world and our Wallflower Group meets every Wednesday evening to socialize the little guy and give them that little boost of confidence they need to find a home.


Wednesday 6:00 pm


2789 South Orange Ave


Boss Walks

Need to get some exercise? Our dogs do too. Come on down in early mornings and you can catch a “boss walk” happening. Grab a leash and a dog and go for an exhilarating 2 mile walk with a dog that is very grateful.


Monday – Sunday


2789 South Orange Ave
Fresno CA 93725


Dogs Playing for Life

We have implemented the “Dogs Playing for Life” program here at the Sofia Center. This program was designed to help dogs learn social skills. That allows them to have the most amazing lives possible and at the same time they get to burn off some energy and reduce stress while waiting for new family to come along.


Monday – Sunday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening


2789 South Orange Ave
Fresno, CA 93725