If you said both, you would be right!

On Thursday morning, Team Boss made a couple of extra special stops. Before the walk on the way to ACT, Doug, Glenda, and Stacy stopped to pick up some yummy bagels, schmere and, yup, donuts (say it to yourself like Homer Simpson would … it’s more fun that way!).

Then, as is our usual routine, we gathered up some of our Team Boss regulars: Miss Boss, Moses, Chuckie and Guaposisimo (pronounced: Guapo See C Moe and translated as Super Cute Guapo!) Then got ready to head out on our normal route.

Over the past month or two, we’ve been delighted to see an increased presence of our local boys in blue traveling the area. The new CHP HQ recently opened along our path, and the officers have been so friendly; always giving us a wave as they pass our canine cavalcade in the mornings, even stopping to say hi and meet the dogs when they can.

So on this morning, Team Boss grabbed those bagels and donuts and walked them and the dogs right over to the CHPHQ to officially welcome our new neighbors “to the ‘hood!”

What a great group to have as neighbors; so friendly, so dedicated, so committed to the community, (hmmm, sound like any animal groups we know?). We hope that maybe we’ll get a couple of these fine officers to walk with Team Boss someday, maybe even one of our good dogs may become one of their good dogs someday. It could happen!

In any case, Team Boss walkers appreciate the waves and smiles the officers always provide, and the Team Boss dogs love the pets! We feel safer knowing they’re here and Miss Boss says: “Officers … count on us to have your backs, too!”

Team Boss walks every morning. Start time on weekdays is between 630 and 7am weekends after cleaning, around 9 or 10. Join us if you can and to you, we will also say … Welcome to the ‘Hood!

Reach out to or for more information how you can join Team Boss